Sunday, April 24, 2016

Legend of my hometown (Bais City)

  Loving our country leads us to be aware of its potentialities worthy to be proud of. I live in a beautiful country. It is the Pearl if the Orient Seas.
   Our country is an archipelago composed of more than 7,107 islands and islets, each possessing marvelous physical attributes. Truly our country is an interesting place. There are fascinating panoramic views, favorable climate, abundant rainfall, other varied natural resources, fertile soil which is considered one of the richest because of its volcanic origin. Underneath lie tremendous mineral deposits. With these blessings in mind, I can say that our country is truly a blessed one. Our basic needs as human persons and citizens are provided for us to live with dignity and worth. 
   My hometown is located in the western part of the Visayas group which is Negros Oriental. Just like any other places in the country, it has legend in itself.

   When the fertile flatlands and rich fishing grounds were reported to the Spanish colonizers, after they arrived in the Philippines, an expedition headed by a Spanish engineer was sent to the area to get its name and pinpoint its exact location, as well as prepare a map of the island. They happened to enter the mouth of the river in the area and saw some people gathering the abundant fresh water, eel locally called "Bais" that were caught in their fish traps.
   Upon seeing the fishermen, the Spaniard asked in his native tongue. "Como se llama este lugar?" (What is the name of this place?). Failing to understand the engineer of course, and thinking that he was asking for the name of the fish caught, the fisherman answered curtly, "bais". The Spaniard therefore, recorded the name "Bais" as the name of the place.

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