Monday, May 16, 2016

How do you know that you are love?

 Real love demands sacrifice that can’t be found in self-centeredness. You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. Sacrificial love requires that we give what we value most: our hearts, minds, souls, and strength. Real love does not always follow our natural inclinations; it is not an impulse from feelings. Love can only be understood from the actions it prompts. When we bear with the failings and weaknesses of others, divine love reveals itself. At all costs, this love compels us to give so that we alleviate the suffering of others. Instead of seeking to fulfill our emotional and physical needs (receiving), we humbly give of ourselves.

1. I can say that I am loved by a person because when we are together he shares his deepest emotions and comfortable sharing those. He is polite in public but when we were alone he shows his goofy and silly side completely. When he has a bad day but lights up when he sees me and he always talks about our future. When I wear make up he does compliment me tell me "You're still beautiful without those". When we were apart or he goes home to her province he always told me he miss me and he love me very much.

2. If one wants to measure the intensity of a particular instance of love, one does so by reference to the hierarchy of values of the person experiencing it. A man may love a woman, yet may rate the neurotic satisfactions of sexual promiscuity higher than her value to him. Another man may love a woman, but may give her up, rating his fear of the disapproval of others (of his family, his friends or any random strangers) higher than her value. Still another man may risk his life to save the woman he loves, because all his other values would lose meaning without her. The emotions in these examples are not emotions of the same intensity or dimension. Do not let a James Taggart type of mystic tell you that love is immeasurable. 

3. Walking reduces stress, cheers you up and increases self-esteem

If you’ve ever gone out for a walk in a huff and come back more calm and collected, you know firsthand that walking can help reduce your response to a stressful event.
Studies also confirm that walking benefits your mood by releasing your body’s natural happy drugs — endorphins. And you’ll be full of pride at your accomplishment, which helps increase your self-esteem. You’ll respect yourself more.

 Regular walking lowers blood pressure, improves sleep and energizes you
Regular walkers have fewer heart attacks and strokes, lower blood pressure and HDL than non-exercisers. Walking can lower blood pressure and LDL (lousy cholesterol), decrease the risk of many cancers and improve immune system function. Plus it improves quality of sleep and keeps you energized.


Reaction of the poem "Sa pamilihan ng puso"

by: Jose Corazon de Jesus

Huwag kang iibig nang dahil sa pilak
pilak ay may pakpak
dagling lumilipad
pag iniwan ka na, ikaw’y maghihirap.

Huwag kang iibig nang dahil sa ganda
ganda’y nagbabawa
kapag tumanda na
ang lahat sa mundo’y sadyang nag-iiba.

Huwag kang iibig sa dangal ng irog
kung ano ang tayog
siya ring kalabog
walang taong hindi sa hukay nahulog.

Huwag kang iibig dahilan sa nasang
maging masagana
sa aliw at tuwa
pagkat ang pag-ibig ay di nadadaya…

Kung ikaw’y iibig ay yaong gusto mo
at mahal sa iyo
kahit siya’y ano,
pusong-puso lainang ang gawin mong dulo.

Kung ikàw’y masawi’y sawi kang talaga
ikaw na suminta
ang siyang magbata;
kung maging mapalad, higit ka sa iba.

Sa itong pag-ibig ay lako ng puso
di upang magtubo
kaya sumusuyo
pag-ibig ay hukay ng pagkasiphayo

My favorite poem was the "Sa Pamilihan ng Puso".
If you are gonna be in a relationship with someone be sure that the feeling is mutual and that  you are gonna love him/her with all your heart despite of the physical appearance and economic
status because all these things is not stable as long as their is love and happiness existing in the relationship everything seems complete.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Reaction of "Like the Molave"

by Rafael Zulueta da Costa

Not yet, rizal, not yet. Sleep not in peace:
There are a thousand waters to be spanned;
There are a thousand mountains to be crossed;
There are a thousand crosses to be borne.
Our shoulders are not strong; our sinews are
Grown flaccid with dependence, smug with ease
Under another’s wing. Rest not in peace;
Not yet, Rizal, not yet. The land has need
Of young blood-and, what younger than your own,
Forever spilled in the great name of freedom,
Forever oblate on the altar of
The free? Not you alone, Rizal. O souls
And spirits of the martyred brave, arise!
Arise and scour the land! Shed once again
Your willing blood! Infuse the vibrant red
Into our thin anaemic veins; until
We pick up your Promethean tools and, strong,
Out of the depthless matrix of your of your faith
In us, and on the silent cliffs of freedom,
We carve for all time your marmoreal dream!
Until our people, seeing, are become
Like the molave, firm, resilent, staunch,
Rising on the hillside, unafraid,
Strong in its own fibre, yes, like the molave!

Like the Molave was a poem that talks about the heroes, how they inspire other Filipino and what they did here in our country to become a more successful place. The poem also indicates that people especially the young ones must work to make the nation stronger and productive because as we all know our country has still much work to do in order to have a much better place to live in.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Why I love Philippines

I strongly believe that the Philippines is the most underrated country in South East Asia.

It’s true, that when most people think of taking trips to South East Asia, they usually jump at Thailand, or Vietnam, orBali, before considering the Philippines. This is probably because The Philippines hasn’t become commercialized or mainstream.  It’s often overlooked.

Well, I’m here to tell you that this country is absolutely incredible. The Philippines is such an amazing country. It is hard to pin point what I love about it. Philippines is a friendly and uplifting place to be.

Reasons why I love Philippines because of the people, beaches, caves, food and lakes. 

The People

I think the first thing I loved about the Philippines was just how friendly the local people were. This wasn’t the forced friendliness you encounter when in a tourist heavy area, but a generosity of spirit that made you feel immediately at home.
Whatever situation life has put them in. Whatever the situation is, most of the time you will find them singing, smiling and making the most out of what life has given them. I love the Philippines because of the amazingly happy and friendly people. It was like being part of one big family. 

The Food

Filipino dishes such as adobo (rice, vegetables, and either chicken or pork), the various ‘silogs’, and the famous luchon (roast pork).
Filipino food may not be as famous as that of its Thai and Vietnamese neighbors. But with more than 7,000 islands and a colorful history, this archipelago has some delicious dishes of its own.
Blessed with an abundance of seafood, tropical fruits and creative cooks, there’s more to Filipino food than the mind-boggling balut (duck embryo).

The Beaches
The Philippines is generating a buzz as a less-discovered alternative to Southeast Asian beach hotspots like Bali and southern Thailand. It's not hard to see why. The country has more than 7000 islands, most boasting at least an idyllic beach or two. With such a wealth of coastal pleasures on offer, it can be tricky to pick your spot. Here are a few areas to home in on.

*El Nido
The dramatic limestone formations of theBacuit Archipelago  keep the postcard vendors in business, but unless you're a serious rock climber you'll spend more time on the beaches around this laid-back northern Palawan town. The islands of the archipelago are blessed with dozens of beaches, the best of which are visited on island-hopping excursions out of El Nido. Alas, these do get crowded and cost a bit of money to get to.

The Philippines is generating a buzz as a less-discovered alternative to Southeast Asian beach hotspots like Bali and southern Thailand. It's not hard to see why. The country has more than 7000 islands, most boasting at least an idyllic beach or two. With such a wealth of coastal pleasures on offer, it can be tricky to pick your spot. Here are a few areas to home in on.


Easy to access it is not, but those with a sense of adventure are well advised to travel toPagudpud, a town on the northern tip of the Philippines' main island, Luzon. The highway up here is the Philippines' answer to the Great Ocean Road or the Pacific Coast Highway. It zigzags around dramatic headlands and skirts seemingly endless beaches such as Blue Lagoon, where Luzon's whitest sand and bluest water can be found in one place.


It's best known as the Philippines' top surf spot, but an all-day loop around the island ofSiargao  brings you up close and personal with beaches equal to any in the South Pacific.Cloud Nine  is ground zero for surfers, but to escape the crowds head offshore to any number of uninhabited islets. Or drive up to Burgos near Siargao's northeastern tip, where coconut palms back a three-kilometre crescent of powdered-sugary soft sand, and perfect waves peel off in several directions.


Boracay is a small island in the Philippineslocated approximately 315 km (196 mi) south of Manila and 2 km off the northwest tip ofPanay Island in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines. Boracay Island and its beaches have received awards from numerous travel publications and agencies.The island comprises thebarangays of Manoc-Manoc, Balabag, and Yapak in the municipality of Malay, in Aklan Province. The island is administered by thePhilippine Tourism Authority and the provincial government of Aklan. Apart from its white sand beaches, Boracay is also famous for being one of the world's top destinations for relaxation. It is also emerging among the top destinations for tranquility and nightlife.

The Caves

There are around hundreds of caves in the Philippines and some are not yet explored. The most popular cave in the Philippines is the Puerto Prinsesa Underground River but there are more interesting caves in the country. Caves in the Philippines are popular for its own unique features like huge stalactites and stalagmites, home of thousand of bats, having a cathedral inside, and many more interesting features.

*Aglipay Caves 
Located in the Province of Quirino formed in Baraggay Villa Ventura. There is a total of 8 accessible caves in the Aglipay Caves.

*Puerto Prinsesa Underground River
The longest cave, Calbiga Cave is the largest cave in the Philippines. The cave is located in Western Samar. Calbliga Cave is 7 kilometers long and have an area of 900 square kilometers.

The Lakes 

In the Philippines are popular spot for diving, chilling and sight seeing. Since the country itself is surrounded by waters, many water formations emerged and some gains popularity and became a tourist spot. There are lakes that are popular for its weird water temperatures, frightening deep, wide area, healing power and more.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Story of my life

In the text of human society, a family is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity or co-residence and or shared consumption. Members of the immediate family includes spouses,parents,brothers,sisters,sons and daughter. In most societies family is the principal institution for the socialization of children. As the basic unit for raising children, anthropologist generally classify most family organization astronomical(a mother and her children) conjugal(a husband,his wife,children) avuncular (grandparents, brother,his sister, and her children) or extended (parents and children reside with other members of one parents family). Family is also an important unit studied in family economics. Parents are the most important persons in a family Parent is a caretaker of the offspring in their own species. In humans, parents is the caretaker of a child. Some parents may be adoptive parents, who nurture and raise an offspring, but are not actually biologically related to the child.

In Back to the time when I was a kid I wasn't really close with my mother since she was not always in with us because she was teaching at Tabuac and she will only go home at weekends.We were so closed with our father, grandmother and our two cousins At first I asked myself that why is our mother working at the school where it is far?, doesn't she wanted to be with us? Upon growing that questions are erased because I now understand why she was working there , in order for us to have a better future. Years passed when I was already in elementary my cousins went to manila to work. At first it was good since they are always calling us and asked us how we are doing but time went fast they are not calling us and we don't know why we taught that they are already dead because they just disappear with just a blink of an eye. When I was in Grade 5 my grandmother passed away, and still my 2 cousins were not seen. We were still hoping and praying that there will come a time that they will come back. In my high school years my brother and I don't go home every lunch tome and that my parents will just pack us food for lunch and that they are busy with their work. Even though our parents are not always with us that doesn't come in my mind to be a bad daughter. I was not really into vices and I rather sleep than to go to "lakwatsa". After I graduate in high school I was thinking on what course I would take up. My first choice would be education and thinking that I don't have enough patience to teach those kids I was not able to take up education. Upon enrollment I don't have the course on what to take up so my mother just decide on what I will take up she told me to take up BS Pharmacy and at first I hesitated because I was not good in memorizing for I know these course would require me memorization. Yet I still take up BS Pharmacy with hesitations and I just think that if ever I will not be able to handle these course I will just shift. On my freshman years I was able to have new friends. For I know these was just a preparation I will just do my very best in order for me to pass. Being a pharmacy student is not easy counting those sleepless nights studying for exams. Studying things that I am not good at but yet thanks to God I was able to reach these far. Even though I don't graduate together with my batch mates due to left subjects but still I am thankful because I am here right now taking up lit with my most amazing teacher and with the bibo/biba classmates.. I hope these would be my last summer here at NORSU. Even though I am a summerian I am still happy because I will graduate unlike others. I do hope that time will come I will be able to work in line with my profession and to have a good salary.

My Future

We must thanked God for the gift of life. We are given the chance to deal with our own challenges in every step of the way.

To have a useful life we must educate ourselves, live a healthy life by eating foods that our body needs, refrain from stress and stay away with vices. Not everyone is given a chance to live so we must live the best way we can.

I wanted my future to be perfect but there is no such thing as perfect. These are some of the things that I wanted in my future. To become a pharmacist, work abroad and have a job in line with my profession with a good salary. I want to help my parents, travel to different places and to build my own house and to have a happy family with two cute kids and a loving and loyal husband. These things wouldn't be granted without the guidance of our Lord Jesus. For God has all the plans for me I may have mine but I hope my plans are the same with His. So I will pray to God to guide me in my decisions and that those decisions would lead me to a right path. So that I could have a semi-perfect and successful life in the near future.

Wonders Of My Province

Things to do:

(Part of Dauin, Negros Oriental)
Apo Island is the best diving destination in the Visayas. Only four metres from the beach, the dive shop is perfect for you to get the most out of your diving holiday. It is part of town of Dauin, 25 km south of Dumaguete City, the provincial capital. From Dumaguete’s Silliman Beach, you can go directly to Apo on a two-hour pumpboat ride. Or you can go down first to Dauin or the next town of Zamboanguita, and from there take a 30-45 minute trip to the island via motorized outrigger. Apo Island is one of the Worlds best known Community Organized Marine Sanctuary's, and as such it has been well documented, by the Global science community. The project was started in 1982. It is home to over 650 documented species of fish and estimated to have over 400 species of corals


Antulang Diving
(Siation, Negros Oriental)

Manta rays, hawksbill turtles, groupers and a multitude of marine life await the most discriminating diver. Our night dives come highly recommended--guests swear it's like diving in your very own private aquarium!

Antulang Snorkeling

Strip of white pebble beaches between
Zamboanguita and Siaton; interesting rock formations on the beach; clear waters and underwater scenery ideal for snorkeling.

Antulang Kayaking

Whether alone or in tandem, kayaking at Antulang is always fun. For the more adventurous, exploring nearby Tambobo Bay by kayak has proved an even more exhilarating experience!

Antulang Fishing

Drop a line from the resort's Sandbar, and you're almost sure to get an eel or a triggerfish. But our more determined guests go out and rent boats from passing fishermen, coming back with sunburns from hell and a whopper of a story--sometimes, with the catch to match it!

Antulang Rappeling

To quote an eager participant, rappeling is "all about conquering your fears." Easier said than done when it's your turn to go down that cliff with the 20-meter drop, albeit a picturesque 20-meter drop! But seriously, our guide says the rope can hold up to 4 tons, so it's worth at least one try!

Antulang Horseback Riding

With a thoroughbred (Siaton's Best), a Morgan (Lightning) and 2 native ponies (1997 and Small One) to choose from, we urge our guests to have a go at horseback riding, either around the resort, at the beach or to a nearby hill peppered with boulders and fossilized giant clams. Seasoned trail riders will be glad to know we use western saddles built for comfort and safety.


(Bantayan, Dumaguete)

Located at Rovira Road Bantayan, right beside St. Paul University, it’s a good 10 minute ride from the heart of the city, and 5 minute ride from the Dumaguete – Sibulan airport. A 21 hectar well maintained nine-hole golf course, it’s ideal for golfers, young and old alike. Their restaurant offers a variety of sumptuous food, with clean, fast and reliable service by our restaurant personnel. They also accept parties, birthdays, wedding reception for all occasions. The driving range is appropriate for practice and to harness your golf swings. With a cool and good variety of music, one can experience the friendly and relaxing atmosphere at their clubhouse. When in Dumaguete city, visit Ang Tay Golf & Country Club.

(Sibulan, Negros Oriental)

The nine-hole golf course has a par of 35 and rated at 68.8 by the NGAP and having a slope of 119. Gilding the fairways are abundant 50-year old mango trees planted by Don Serafin Teves during the hotel's establishment before the 1950's. Amenities include a driving range, pro shop and men's and ladies room. Golf sets are available for rent for out of town visitor's convenience.

(Bais City, Negros Oriental)

Regular cruises supervised by the Bais City Hall can take visitors out to Tañon Strait to view playful dolphins and pygmy sperm whales. Dolphin and whale watching activities are ideal between May and September. Spectacular underwater scenes reward snorkeling and diving.

(Siaton, Negros Oriental)

Take a motorized outrigger from the resort to get to the island's best-kept secret: Tambobo Bay. A natural marina encompassed by mangroves and bamboo, the bay is a haven for more than two dozen sailboats and yachts from all over the world. If preferred, cruises can be timed for sunset, with cocktails served onboard.

 Things to see:


(Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental)

The “Boulevard” is Dumaguete's show window. It is the first delightful sight that greets you from across the sea, especially at nighttime when the place is ablaze with lights. Located along the waterfront, this spacious tree-lined promenade attracts people from all walks of life. Here you can catch the breeze, or watch the sun or the moon rise from the sea. Here you can also enjoy cosmopolitan amenities from among the different hotels, restaurants, cafes,bars, and shops in the vicinity.

(Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental)

As you leave the port area and enter the junction at Rizal Boulevard, you will see a quaint-looking white and red building overlooking the sea. One of the oldest institutions in the country built by American Presbyterian missionaries.
SILLIMAN HALL, built in 1905 as an addition to form an “L” with the original 1901 Silliman Institute. This building is considered as the oldest wooden structure of Eastern Stick Style in the Philippines. The Ground Floor was built with cast iron columns and metal pan ceiling from the debris of a theater in New York that was being demolished. For many years the Ground Floor was known as the ASSEMBLY HALL where most of the social and cultural events of the campus were held including the regular mid-week service and Sunday worship service.

(Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental)

At the heart of the city you will find two landmarks that not only highlight the traditional piety of the local populace but also remind you of the city's Spanish heritage. The Dumaguete City Cathedral's Bell tower was built in 1811 and was once used as a lookout for pirates of the bells at the top of the tower. The oldest stone church in the province. The other is the bell tower or belfry, at the foot of which the pious light candles. Now it only serves to call the faithful to prayer.

(Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental)

Fronting the Capitol, the Benigno Aquino Freedom Park is a sprawling park with landscaped gardens and fountains. It is the site of the annual provincial festival of festivals called Buglasan. During this period in October, you will see the park transformed into what looks like a village—towns and cities put up their booths, and restaurants set up shop with outdoor tents.Wide expanse of green lawns and old trees with flower borders, a musical fountain, and the Aquino stage for promenading and lounging; right in front of the imposing Capitol building.

(Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental)

For an educational tour, the Silliman University Marine Laboratory is a must-see. The lab is located in a quiet seaside campus just a few kilometers north of the city's business district. Here you can find not only giant clams and tropical fish being grown, but also crocodiles and the bones of whales and other marine mammals.


(Canlaon City, Negros Oriental)

One of the tallest peaks in the Visayas, the volcano raised Canlaon City’s skyline to 8,085 feet above sea level. A favorite spot of intrepid mountain climbers, the still active volcano can be accessed from Canlaon City, 165.7 km. from Dumaguete City.

(Valencia, Negros Oriental)

Dubbed “Cuernos de Negros” or Horns of Negros, this mountain can be reached through Valencia or Calungan, Bacong. It has five lakes in the vicinity. It is the object of mountain climbing enthusiasts. A group of 250 national mountaineering club members made a climb last April 1990. Its virgin forests, orchids and lakes is a beauty to behold. There is no peace and order problem here. Estimated nine (9) kilometers west of poblacion, 1,800 meters above sea level, the highest peak of the Cuernos de Negros. Nature trails need experienced guides. Rich variety of flora and fauna including rare species of wildlife. Cascades and lakes. At just under 2,000 meters, this towering peak makes up one crown of the famous Cuernos de Negros, the mountain range that provides the infamous backdrop to the city. To summit the peak, an overnight hike is necessary, and guides are available at the Island Life outdoor store in Dumaguete, or through the Valencia Municipal government.

(Mabinay, Negros Oriental)

Two of the 22 caves in Mabinay has intricate natural limestone formations and interesting sights. It is only a little distance from the main road, 15 kms. from the Mabinay Poblacion. A team of 15 Dutch cave explorers found in Mabinay the longest cave in the Philippines, the Odloman Cave which is mainly for adventurous spelunkers or mountaineers.


(Valencia, Negros Oriental)

Cool waters cascade down to a swimming basin, almost enclosed by steep precipices and lush vegetation. Hikers traverse an adventurous nature trail. Considered the province’s most photographed falls. One of the few great looking and very popular water
falls here in Negros Oriental. Casaroro is a tall waterfall, one the three waterfalls in Kampesa, amide lush virgin forest, is a favorite for young and old climbers. It has a bamboo hanging bridge and rock galore.

(Sibulan, Negros Oriental)

A trekking area for the adventurous, Negros Oriental watershed with trees, giant ferns and lush greenery has scenic areas, and then unfolds the astoundingly serene lakes with its fish stocks. Ideal for boating or enjoying the view.

(Valencia, Negros Oriental)

A large cascade of seemingly reddish water from the main Pulangbato Falls in Valencia, finds its way into some unique shaped falls all the way down the mountain. Divers from the top of the falls into the water basin is a common occurrence.

(Siaton, Negros Oriental)

In the center of mountains this placid lake as though located in the center of a cauldron fish abound and crossing by banca is a pleasant experience.

(Valencia, Negros Oriental)

A half day trek up Mt. Talinis in Valencia brings you to either one of the mirror clear lakes in the Mt. Talinis area where you may camp, swim or catch carp, tilapia and other fish in the lake surrounded by trees. Lake Yagumyum is a lone elevated lake located near the vicinities of the foot of Mt. Talinis. Lake Nailig is one of the twin lakes found at the foot of Mt. Talinis.

What do I expect in the New president

The May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections. These was the 16th presidential election in the Philippines since 1935 and the sixth sextenial presidential election since 1986. The election is held every 6 years after 1992 on the second Monday of May. The incumbent presidents term is limited.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Favorite Filipino Delicacy

Chicken Adobo

  •   4 to 5 pounds chicken thighs
  • 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 4 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns
  • 3 bay leaves
  • Steamed rice, for serving

  • Combine the chicken thighs, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, peppercorns and bay leaves in a large pot. Cover and marinate the chicken in the refrigerator for 1 to 3 hours.
  • Bring the chicken to a boil over high heat. Lower the heat, cover and let simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the lid and simmer until the sauce is reduced and thickened and the chicken is tender, about 20 more minutes. Serve with steamed rice.

Reasons why I like Adobo:
1. It is very delicious
2. The ingredients are affordable
3. It will lasts for 3 days